Referral Fees Case Barnett Referral Fees Case Barnett

Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Injury Cases (For Non-PI Lawyers)

You Landed a Personal Injury Case, Now What?

So…you have positioned yourself as the expert in all things legal in your community. Because of this, you are the go-to resource when people have a legal issue and they need help. A potential personal injury case has crossed your desk, even though you aren’t a personal injury attorney. You know that there are three ways you can handle this situation:

  1. You can send the client to a colleague you know and trust who is an expert in accident cases. You will each follow the rules of professional conduct in your state and you will collect referral fees when the case resolves.

    2. You can try to work the case up for settlement (pre-litigation) and keep the entire fee without referring the case out.

    3. You can tell the client you don’t do personal injury and refer them to the state bar hotline or the internet. (This is an option you are too smart to do because you know you are passing up on a referral fee.)

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